Healthy Feet for Your Unique Lifestyle

Podiatrists are highly trained physicians and surgeons focusing on the foot and ankle and should be an important part of your healthcare team.

Orthotic devices are shoe inserts that correct an abnormal or irregular walking pattern. They perform functions that make standing, walking, and running more comfortable and efficient by altering slightly the angles at which the foot strikes a walking or running surface.

Wound Care
A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that occurs in approximately 15 percent of patients with diabetes. Vascular disease can complicate a foot ulcer, reducing the body’s ability to heal and increasing the risk for an infection. Once an ulcer is noticed, seek podiatric medical care immediately.
Welcome to Penobscot Family Foot & Ankle Center of Maine
The doctors and staff at Penobscot Family Foot & Ankle Center of Maine enjoy what we do every day…work with people. Whether you are a new patient or have known us for over 30 years, you are the reason each of us has stayed with the practice for so long. And our equally close relationships with area hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, and schools enhance our ability to provide the best possible care.
The professionals at Penobscot Family Foot & Ankle Center of Maine help you achieve your goals for comfort and performance.
Our Doctors

Heidi Brewer
Patient Information
Are you a new patient? Fill out this helpful questionnaire before your first visit with Penobscot Family Foot and Ankle Center of Maine.
Patient QuestionaireHealth Information

We would like to welcome you to Penobscot Family Foot and Ankle Center of Maine. We take pride in providing comprehensive podiatric medical care. It is our philosophy that a doctor and patient can work together as a team to alleviate your foot and ankle problems. We will do our best to keep you informed about your diagnosis and try to make you more comfortable and resolve your foot health issues.
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